K.A. Hallam, R.J. Nikolai, A. Jhunjhunwala, S.Y. Emelianov, “Laser-activated perfluorocarbon nanodroplets for intracerebral delivery and imaging via blood–brain barrier opening and contrast-enhanced imaging,” Journal of Nanobiotechnology 22, 356 (2024)
M. Kim, K. P. Kubelick, D. VanderLaan, D. Qin, J. Lee, A. Jhunjhunwala, M. Cadena, R.J. Nikolai, J. Kim, S. Y. Emelianov, “Coupling gold nanospheres into nanochain constructs for high-contrast, longitudinal photoacoustic imaging,” Nano Letters 24(24), 7202–7210 (2024)
M. Kim, K.P. Kubelick, A.M. Yu, D. VanderLaan, A. Jhunjhunwala, R.J. Nikolai, M. Cadena, J. Kim, S.Y. Emelianov, “Regulating interparticle proximity in plasmonic nanosphere aggregates to enhance photoacoustic response and photothermal stability,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2313963 (2024)
I.C. Sun, D.S. Dumani, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Applications of the photocatalytic and photoacoustic properties of gold nanorods in contrast-enhanced ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging,” ACS Nano 18(4):3575–3582 (2024)
J. Lee, K.P. Kubelick, A. Choe, S.Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic-guided ultrasound thermal imaging without prior knowledge of tissue composition,” Photoacoustics 33:100554 (2023)
M. Kim, J. Kim, D. VanderLaan, K. P. Kubelick, A. Jhunjhunwala, A. Choe, S. Y. Emelianov, “Tunable interparticle connectivity in gold nanosphere assemblies for efficient photoacoustic conversion,” Advanced Functional Materials, 33(51):2305202 (2023)
Md S. Islam, D. VanderLaan, J. Hickman, S. Emelianov, and R.M. Dickson, ” Fluorescence-informed photoacoustic discrimination of multiple chromophores by lifetime mapping optically gated responses,” Photoacoustics 32:100529 (2023)
M. Kim, D. VanderLaan, J. Lee, A. Choe, K. P. Kubelick, J. Kim, S. Y. Emelianov, “Hyper-branched gold nanoconstructs for photoacoustic imaging in the near-infrared optical window,” Nano Letters (2023)
A. Jhunjhunwala, J. Kim, K. P. Kubelick, C. R. Ethier, S.Y. Emelianov, “In vivo photoacoustic monitoring of stem cell location and apoptosis with caspase-3-responsive nanosensors,” ACS Nano, 17(18), 17931–17945 (2023)
A.X. Zhao, Y.I. Zhu, E. Chung, J. Lee, S. Morais, H. Yoon, and S. Emelianov, “Factors influencing the repeated transient optical droplet vaporization threshold and lifetimes of phase change, perfluorocarbon nanodroplets,” Nanomaterials, 13(15), 2238 (2023)
J. Lee, N.O. Myrie, G. Jeong, W.M. Han, Y.C. Jang, A.J. García, S. Emelianov, “In vivo shear wave elasticity imaging for assessment of diaphragm function in muscular dystrophy”, Acta Biomaterialia, 168:277-285 (2023)
A. Choe, D. Qin, A.M. Yu, E. Chung, A. Jhunjhunwala, J.A. Rose, S.Y. Emelianov, “pH-responsive ratiometric photoacoustic imaging of polyaniline nanoparticle-coated needle for targeted cancer biopsy,” Photoacoustics 31:100500 (2023)
Weylan R. Thompson, Hans-Peter F. Brecht, Vassili Ivanov, Anthony M. Yu, Diego S. Dumani, Dylan J. Lawrence, Stanislav Y. Emelianov, Sergey A. Ermilov, “Characterizing a photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging platform for preclinical murine longitudinal studies,” J. Biomed. Opt. 28(3), 036001 (2023)
Jingfei Liu, Jurjen Leer, Salavat Aglyamov, Stanislav Y. Emelianov, “A Scholte Wave Approach for Ultrasound Surface Wave Elasticity Imaging”, Medical Physics (2023)
Yang Cao, Diego S. Dumani, Kristina A. Hallam, Stanislav Y. Emelianov, Haitao Ran, “Real-time monitoring of NIR-triggered drug release from phase-changeable nanodroplets by photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging,” Photoacoustics 30:100474 (2023)
Jingfei Liu, Heechul Yoon, Stanislav Y. Emelianov, “Noninvasive ultrasound assessment of tissue internal pressure using dual mode elasticity imaging: a phantom study”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68, 015012 (2023)
Yang Cao, Diego S. Dumani, Ziqun Chen, Stanislav Y. Emelianov, and Haitao Ran, “In vivo photoacoustic image-guided tumor photothermal therapy and real-time temperature monitoring using a core–shell polypyrrole@CuS nanohybrid,” Nanoscale, 14, 12069–12076, (2022)
J. Kang, H. Yoon, C. Yoon, S.Y. Emelianov, “High-frequency ultrasound imaging with sub-Nyquist sampling,” IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 69(6):2001-2009 (2022)
J. Kim, A.M. Yu, K.P. Kubelick, S.Y. Emelianov, “Gold nanoparticles conjugated with DNA aptamer for photoacoustic detection of human matrix metalloproteinase-9,” Photoacoustics, 25, 100307 (2022)
T. Sowers, D. VanderLaan, A. Karpiouk, D. Onohara, S. Schmarkey, S. Rousselle, M. Padala, S. Emelianov, “In vivo safety study using radiation at wavelengths and dosages relevant to intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” J. Biomed. Opt. 27(1), 016003 (2022)
C.A. Wood, S. Han, C.S. Kim, Y. Wen, D.R.T. Sampaio, J.T. Harris, K.A. Homan, J.L. Swain, S.Y. Emelianov, A.K. Sood, J.R. Cook, K.V. Sokolov, R.R. Bouchard, “Clinically translatable quantitative molecular photoacoustic imaging with liposome-encapsulated ICG J-aggregates,” Nature Communications 12(1):1-13 (2021)
A. Zhao, J. Lee, S. Emelianov, “Formulation and Acoustic Modulation of Optically Vaporized Perfluorocarbon Nanodroplets,” Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove 173 (2021)
I.-C. Sun, S. Jo, D. Dumani, W.S. Yun, H.Y. Yoon, D.-K. Lim, C.-H. Ahn, S. Emelianov, K. Kim, “Theragnostic glycol chitosan-conjugated gold nanoparticles for photoacoustic imaging of regional lymph nodes and delivering tumor antigen to lymph nodes,” Nanomaterials 11(7):1700 (2021)
M. Basij, A. Karpiouk, I. Winer, S. Emelianov, M. Mehrmohammadi, “Dual-illumination ultrasound/photoacoustic system for cervical cancer imaging,” IEEE Photonics Journal 13(1):6900310 (2021)
J. Liu, R. Toy, C. Vantucci, P. Pradhan, Z. Zhang, K.M. Kuo, K.P. Kubelick, D. Huo, J. Wen, J. Kim, Z. Lyu, S. Dhal, A. Atalis, S.K. Ghosh-Choudhary, E.J. Devereaux, J.C. Gumbart, Y. Xia, S.Y. Emelianov, N.J. Willett, K. Roy, “Bifunctional Janus Particles as Multivalent Synthetic Nanoparticle Antibodies (SNAbs) for Selective Depletion of Target Cells,” Nano Letters 21(1):875-886 (2021)
L. Zhao, D. Vanderlaan, H. Yoon, J. Liu, C. Li, S.Y. Emelianov, “Ultrafast ultrasound imaging of surface acoustic waves induced by laser excitation compared with acoustic radiation force,” Optics Express, 45(7):1810-1813 (2020)
K.P. Kubelick, S.Y. Emelianov, “Prussian blue nanocubes as a multimodal contrast agent for image-guided stem cell therapy of the spinal cord,” Photoacoustics 18:100166 (2020)
T. Sowers, H. Yoon, S. Emelianov, “Investigation of light delivery geometries for photoacoustic applications using Monte Carlo simulations with multiple wavelengths, tissue types, and species characteristics,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(1), 016005 (2020)
M.K. Laffey, K.P. Kubelick, E.M. Donnelly, S.Y. Emelianov, “Effects of freezing on mesenchymal stem cells labeled with gold nanoparticles,” Tissue Engineering, Part C: Methods, 26(1):1-10 (2020)
J. Yu, H. Yoon, Y.M. Khalifa, S.Y. Emelianov, “Design of a volumetric imaging sequence using a Vantage-256 ultrasound research platform multiplexed with a 1024-element fully-sampled matrix array,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 67(2):248-257 (2020)
K. Shahbazi, W. Frey, Y.S. Chen, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustics of core–shell nanospheres using comprehensive modeling and analytical solution approach,” Nature Communications Physics 2, 119 (2019)
K. Hallam, S.Y. Emelianov, “Towards optimization of blood brain barrier opening induced by laser-activated perfluorocarbon nanodroplets,” Biomed. Opt. Express 10(7), 3139-3151 (2019)
K.P. Kubelick, E.J. Snider, C.R. Ethier, S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic properties of anterior ocular tissues,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 24(5), 056004 (2019)
K.P. Kubelick, E.J. Snider, C.R. Ethier, S.Y. Emelianov, “Development of a stem cell tracking platform for ophthalmic applications using ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging,” Theranostics, 9(13):3812-3824 (2019)
S.K. Yarmoska, H. Yoon, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Lipid shell composition plays a critical role in the stable size reduction of perfluorocarbon nanodroplets,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 45(6):1489-1499 (2019)
Y.-S. Chen, Y. Zhao, S.J. Yoon, S. Gambhir, and S. Emelianov, “Miniature gold nanorods for photoacoustic molecular imaging in the second near-infrared optical window,” Nature Nanotechnology, 4, 465–472, DOI: 10.1038/s41565-019-0392-3 (2019)
Y.I. Zhu, H. Yoon, A. Zhao, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Leveraging the Imaging Transmit Pulse to Manipulate Phase-Change Nanodroplets for Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 66(4):692-700 (2019)
Z.D. Hood, K.P. Kubelick, K.D. Gilroy, D. Vanderlaan, X. Yang, M. Yang, M. Chi, S.Y. Emelianov, and Y. Xia, “Photothermal melting of Au-Ag nanocages under pulsed laser irradiation,” Nanoscale, 11, 3013–3020 (2019)
H. Yoon, Y.I. Zhu, S.K. Yarmoska, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Design and demonstration of a configurable imaging platform for combined laser, ultrasound, and elasticity imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2019)
H. Yoon, and S. Emelianov, “Combined multi-wavelength photoacoustic and plane-wave ultrasound imaging for probing dynamic phase-change contrast agents,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(2):595-598 (2019)
R.K. Hartman, K.A. Hallam, E.M. Donnelly, S.Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic imaging of gold nanorods in the brain delivered via microbubble-assisted focused ultrasound: a tool for in vivo molecular neuroimaging,” Laser Physics Letters, 16, 025603 (2019)
T. Sowers, D. Vanderlaan, A. Karpiouk, E.M. Donnelly, E. Smith, and S. Emelianov, “Laser threshold and cell damage mechanism for intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” Lasers Surg Med. doi: 10.1002/lsm.23026 (2019)
A.B. Karpiouk, D.J. Vanderlaan, K.V. Larin, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Integrated optical coherence tomography and multielement ultrasound transducer probe for shear wave elasticity imaging of .moving tissues,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 23(10), 105006 (2018)
E.J. Snider, K.P. Kubelick, K. Tweed, R.K. Kim, Y. Li, K. Gao, A.T. Read, S. Emelianov and C.R. Ethier, “Improving stem cell delivery to the trabecular meshwork using magnetic nanoparticles,” Scientific Reports, 8:12251 (2018)
H. Yoon, G.P. Luke, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Impact of depth-dependent optical attenuation on wavelength selection for spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging,” Photoacoustics, 12:46-54 (2018)
E.M. Donnelly, K.P. Kubelick, D.S. Dumani, S.Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic Image-Guided Delivery of Plasmonic-Nanoparticle-Labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells to the Spinal Cord,” Nano Letters, 18(10):6625-6632 (2018)
H. de Hoop, H. Yoon, K. Kubelick, and S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic speckle tracking for motion estimation and flow analysis tracking”, J. Biomed. Opt. 23(9), 096001 (2018)
S. Park, H. Yoon, S. Emelianov, “Speed-of-sound estimation for dual-acoustic waves using laser-activated nanodroplets,” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 73(5):586-591 (2018)
K. Hallam, E. Donnelly, A. Karpiouk, R. Hartman, and S. Emelianov, “Laser-activated perfluorocarbon nanodroplets: a new tool for blood brain barrier opening,” Biomed. Opt. Express 9, 4527-4538 (2018)
J. Park, D. Dumani, A. Arsiwala, S. Emelianov, R. Kane, “Tunable aggregation of gold-silica janus nanoparticles to enable contrast-enhanced multiwavelength photoacoustic imaging in vivo,” Nanoscale, 10:15365 – 15370, DOI: 10.1039/C8NR03973A (2018)
H. Yoon, K.A. Hallam, C. Yoon, S.Y. Emelianov, “Super-resolution imaging with ultrafast ultrasound imaging of optically triggered perfluorohexane nanodroplets,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 65(12):2277-2285 (2018)
Dana, T. Sowers, A. Karpiouk, D. VanderLaan, and S. Emelianov, “Optimization of dual-wavelength intravascular photoacoustics imaging of atherosclerotic plaques using Monte Carlo optical modeling,” J Biomed Opt. 22(10):1-12. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.10.106012 (2017)
Yoon, S. Aglyamov, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Dual-phase transmit focusing for multi-angle compound shear wave elasticity imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 64(10):1439-1449 (2017)
Y.-S. Chen, S.J. Yoon, W. Frey, M. Dockery, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Photothermal Stimuli-Responsive Photoacoustic Nanoamplifier for Dynamic-Contrast Imaging,” Nature Communications, 2017 Jun 8;8:15782. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15782 (2017)
Yoon, S.K. Yarmoska, A.S. Hannah, C. Yoon, K.A. Hallam, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging in vivo with laser-activated nanodroplets,” Medical Physics, doi: 10.1002/mp.12269, 44: 3444–3449 (2017)
Park, H. Yoon, S. Emelianov, S. Aglyamov “Fluid flow measurement for diagnosis of ventricular shunt malfunction using nonlinear response of microbubbles in the contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56, 07JF10 (2017)
Park, H. Yoon, K.V. Larin, S.Y. Emelianov, S.R. Aglyamov, “The Impact of Intraocular Pressure on Elastic Wave Velocity Estimates in the Crystalline Lens,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62(3):N45 (2017)
C.L. Bayer, B.J. Wlodarczyk, R.H. Finnell, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Ultrasound-guided spectral photoacoustic imaging of hemoglobin oxygenation during development,” Biomed. Opt. Express 8, 757-763 (2017)
VanderLaan, A.B. Karpiouk, D. Yeager, S. Emelianov, “Real-Time Intravascular Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 64(1):141-149 (2017)
C.V. Bourantas, F.A. Jaffer, F.J. Gijsen, G. van Soest, S.P. Madden, B.K. Courtney, A.M. Fard, E. Tenekecioglu, Y. Zeng, A.F. van der Steen, S. Emelianov, J. Muller, P.H. Stone, L. Marcu, G.J. Tearney, P.W. Serruys, “Hybrid intravascular imaging: recent advances, technical considerations, and current applications in the study of plaque pathophysiology,” Eur Heart J., doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw097 (2016)
D.Y. Santiesteban, K. Kubelick, K.S. Dhada, D. Dumani, L. Suggs, S. Emelianov, “Monitoring/imaging and regenerative agents for enhancing tissue engineering characterization and therapies,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 44(3):750–772 (2016)
K.M. Meiburger, S.Y. Nam, E. Chung, L.J. Suggs, S.Y. Emelianov and F. Molinari, “Skeletonization algorithm-based blood vessel quantification using in vivo 3D photoacoustic imaging,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61:7994–8009 (2016)
N Dana, R.A. Fowler, A. Allen, J. Zoldan, L. Suggs and S. Emelianov “In vitro photoacoustic sensing of calcium dynamics with arsenazo III,” Laser Physics Letters, 13(7):075603 (2016)
Hannah, G.P. Luke and S.Y. Emelianov, “Blinking phase-change nanocapsules enable background-free ultrasound imaging,” Theranostics, 6(11): 1866-1876 (2016)
G.P. Luke, A. Hannah, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Super-resolution ultrasound imaging in vivo with transient laser-activated nanodroplets,” NanoLetters, 16 (4), pp 2556–2559 (2016)
R.J. Nagao, Y. Ouyang, R. Keller, S.Y. Nam, G.R. Malik, S.Y. Emelianov, L.J. Suggs, C.E. Schmidt, “Ultrasound-guided photoacoustic imaging-directed re-endothelialization of acellular vasculature leads to improved vascular performance,” Acta Biomaterialia, 1(32):35-45 (2016)
S.Y. Nam, L.M. Ricles, L.J. Suggs, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Imaging Strategies for Tissue Engineering Applications,” Tissue Engineering: Part B, Reviews, 21(1): 88-102 (2015)
K.Y. Yoon, M. Mehrmohammadi, A. Borwankar, S.Y. Emelianov, K.P. Johnston, “Synthesis of iron oxide nanoclusters with enhanced magnetization and their applications in pulsed magneto-motive ultrasound imaging,” NANO 10, 1550073 (2015)
G.P. Luke and S.Y. Emelianov, “Label free detection of lymph node metastases with ultrasound-guided functional photoacoustic imaging,” Radiology, 277(2):435–442 (2015)
Hartman, S. Aglyamov, D. Fox, S. Emelianov, “Quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasound measurement of cerebrospinal fluid flow for the diagnosis of ventricular shunt malfunction,” Journal of Neurosurgery, 123(6):1420-6 (2015)
Gray J, N. Dana, K.L. Dextraze, F. Maier, S. Emelianov, R. Bouchard, “Multi-wavelength photoacoustic visualization of high intensity focused ultrasound lesions,” Ultrasonic Imaging, 0161734615593747, July 5 (2015)
Qu, M. Mehrmohammadi, S. Emelianov, “Sensing the delivery and endocytosis of nanoparticles using magneto-photo-acoustic imaging,” Photoacoustics, 3(3):107–113 (2015)
Mallidi, S. Kim, A. Karpiouk, P.P. Joshi, K. Sokolov S. Emelianov, “Visualization of molecular composition and functionality of cancer cells using nanoparticle-augmented ultrasound-guided photoacoustics,” Photoacoustics, 3:26-34 (2015)
Wu, Z. Han, S. Wang, J. Li, M. Singh, C-H. Liu, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov, F. Manns, and K.V. Larin, “Assessing age-related changes in the biomechanical properties of rabbit lens using a co-aligned ultrasound and optical coherence elastography system,” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 56(2):1292-300. (2015)
S.Y. Nam, E. Chung, L.J. Suggs, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Combined ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging to noninvasively assess burn injury and selectively monitor a regenerative tissue-engineered construct,” Tissue Engineering: Part C, Methods, 21(6):557-566 (2015)
Aglyamov, S. Wang, A.B. Karpiouk, J. Li, M. Twa, S.Y. Emelianov and K.V. Larin, “The dynamic deformation of a layered viscoelastic medium under surface excitation,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60(11):4295–4312 (2015)
Sarvazyan, O. Rudenko, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov, “Muscle as a molecular machine for protecting joints and bones by absorbing mechanical impacts,” Medical Hypotheses, 83(1):6-10, DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2014.04.020, (2014)
Bouchard, O. Sahin, S. Emelianov, “Ultrasound-guided photoacoustic imaging: current state and future development,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 61(3): 450-466 (2014)
Dana, L. DiBiase, A. Natale, S. Emelianov, R. Bouchard, “In vitro photoacoustic visualization of myocardial ablation lesions,” Heart Rhythm, 11(1): 150-157 (2014)
Yeager, Y.-S. Chen, S. Litovsky, S. Emelianov, “Intravascular photoacoustics for image-guidance and temperature monitoring during plasmonic photothermal therapy of atherosclerotic plaques: a feasibility study,” Theranostics, 4(1):36-46 (2014)
Hannah, G. Luke, K. Wilson, K.A. Homan, S. Emelianov, “Indocyanine green-loaded photoacoustic nanodroplets: dual contrast nanoconstructs for enhanced photoacoustic and ultrasound Imaging,” ACS Nano 8(1):250-259 (2014)
P. Luke and S. Y. Emelianov, “Optimization of in vivo spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging by smart optical wavelength selection,” Optics Letters 39(7):2214-2217 (2014)
M.D. Twa, J. Li, S. Vantipalli, M. Singh, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov, K.V. Larin, “Spatial characterization of corneal biomechanical properties with optical coherence elastography after UV cross-linking,” Biomedical Optics Express, 5(5): 1419:1427, (2014)
Qu, M. Mehrmohammadi, R. Truby, I. Graf, K. Homan, S. Emelianov, “Contrast-enhanced magneto-photo-acoustic imaging in vivo using dual-contrast nanoparticles,” Photoacoustics 2:55-62 (2014)
S.Y. Nam, S.Y. Emelianov, “Array-based real-time ultrasound and photoacoustic ocular imaging,” Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, 18(2):151-155 (2014)
Li, S. Wang, M. Singh, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov, M. D. Twa, K. V. Larin, “Air-pulse OCE for assessment of age-related changes in mouse cornea in vivo,” Laser Physics Letters, 11:065601, (2014)
Kim, Y.-S. Chen, G.P. Luke, and S. Emelianov, “Ultrasound and photoacoustic image-guided photothermal cancer therapy: in-vivo study using silica-coated gold nanorods,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 61(5):891-897 (2014)
Hannah, D. VanderLaan, Y.-S. Chen, S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging using dual contrast perfluorocarbon nanodroplets triggered by laser pulses at 1064 nm,” Biomedical Optics Express,5(9):3042-3052 (2014)
C.H. Wu, J. Cook, S. Emelianov, K. Sokolov, “Multimodal magneto-plasmonic nanoclusters for biomedical applications,” Advanced Functional Materials, 24(43), 6862-6871 (2014)
L.M. Ricles, S.Y. Nam, E.A. Trevino, S.Y. Emelianov, L.J. Suggs, “A dual gold nanoparticle system for mesenchymal stem cell tracking” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2, 8220-8230 (2014)
G.P. Luke, J.N. Myers, S.Y. Emelianov, K.V. Sokolov, “Sentinel lymph node biopsy revisited: ultrasound-guided photoacoustic detection of micrometastases using molecularly targeted plasmonic nanosensors,” Cancer Research, 74(19) 5397-5408 (2014)
C.L. Bayer, P.P. Joshi, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic imaging – a potential tool to detect early indicators of metastasis,” Expert Review Medical Devices, 10(1):125-34 (2013)
Mehrmohammadi, S.J. Yoon, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic imaging for cancer detection and staging,” Current Molecular Imaging, 2(1):89 – 105 (2013)
G.P. Luke, S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic Imaging Illuminates Elusive Biological Processes,” IEEE Life Sciences Newsletter, August 2013, http://lifesciences.ieee.org/publications/newsletter/august-2013/390-photoacoustic-imaging-illuminates-elusive-biological-processes (2013)
C.L. Bayer, S.Y. Nam, Y.-S. Chen, S.Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic signal amplification through plasmonic nanoparticle aggregation,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(1), 016001 (2013)
Chung, S.Y. Nam, L.M. Ricles, S.Y. Emelianov, and L.J. Suggs. “Evaluation of gold nanotracers to track adipose-derived stem cells in a PEGylated fibrin gel for dermal tissue engineering applications,” International Journal of Nanomedicine, 8:325-36 (2013)
L. Truby, S. Y. Emelianov, K. A. Homan, “Ligand-mediated self-assembly of hybrid plasmonic and superparamagnetic nanostructures,” Langmuir, 29(8):2465-70 (2013)
Yoon, S. Aglyamov, A. Karpiouk, and S. Emelianov, “The mechanical properties of ex vivo bovine and porcine crystalline lenses: age-related changes and location-dependent variations,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 39(6):1120–1127 (2013)
Cook, W. Frey, and S. Emelianov, “Quantitative photoacoustic imaging of nanoparticles in cells and tissues,” ACS Nano, ACS Nano, 7 (2):1272–1280 (2013)
Y.-S. Chen, W. Frey, C. Walker, S. Aglyamov and S. Emelianov, “Sensitivity enhanced nanothermal sensors for photoacoustic temperature mapping,” Journal of Biophotonics 6(6-7):534–542 (2013) [cover image]
Mitcham, K. Homan, W. Frey, Y.-S. Chen, S. Emelianov, J. Hazle, R. Bouchard, “Modulation of photoacoustic signal generation from metallic surfaces,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(5), 056008 (2013)
G.P. Luke, A. Bashyam, K.A. Homan, S. Makhija, Y.-S. Chen, S.Y. Emelianov, “Silica-coated gold nanoplates as stable photoacoustic contrast agents for sentinel lymph node imaging,” Nanotechnology, 24, 455101 (2013)
Wang, K.V. Larin, J. Li, S. Vantipalli, R.K. Manapuram, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov and M.D. Twa, “A focused air-pulse system for optical-coherence-tomography-based measurements of tissue elasticity,” Laser Physics Letters 10(7), 075605 (2013)
Mehrmohammadi, T.-H. Shin, M. Qu, P. Kruizinga, J.H. Lee, J. Cheon and S. Emelianov, “In-vivo pulsed magneto-motive ultrasound imaging using high-performance magnetoactive contrast nanoagents”, Nanoscale, 5, 11179-11186 (2013)
C.L. Bayer, J. Kelvekar, S.Y. Emelianov, “Influence of nanosecond pulsed laser irradiance on the viability of nanoparticle-loaded cells: implications for safety of contrast-enhanced photoacoustic imaging,” Nanotechnology, 24(46), 465101 (2013)
P.P. Joshi, S.J. Yoon, W.G. Hardin, S. Emelianov, K.V. Sokolov, Conjugation of antibodies to gold nanorods through fc portion: synthesis and molecular specific imaging,” Bioconjugate Chemistry 24(6):878-88 (2013)
P.P. Joshi, S.J. Yoon, Y.-S. Chen, S. Emelianov, and K.V. Sokolov, “Development and optimization of near-IR contrast agents for immune cell tracking,” Biomedical Optics Express, 4(11):2609-2618 (2013)
Wang, S. Aglyamov, A. Karpiouk, J. Li, S. Emelianov, F. Manns, K.V. Larin, “Assessing the mechanical properties of tissue-mimicking phantoms at different depths as an approach to measure biomechanical gradient of crystalline lens,” Biomedical Optics Express, 4(12):2769-2780 (2013)
Li, S. Wang, R.K. Manapuram, M. Singh, F.M. Menodiado, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov, M.D. Twa, K.V. Larin, “Dynamic optical coherence tomography measurements of elastic wave propagation in tissue-mimicking phantoms and mouse cornea in vivo,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(12), 121503 (2013)
Yoon, S. Aglyamov, A. Karpiouk, S. Emelianov, “Spatial variations of viscoelastic properties of porcine vitreous humors,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 60(11):2453-2460 (2013)
G.P. Luke, D. Yeager, S.Y. Emelianov, “Biomedical applications of photoacoustic imaging with exogenous contrast agents,” Ann Biomed Eng. 40(2):422-437 (2012)
S.R. Aglyamov A.B. Karpiouk, M. Mehrmohammadi, S. Yoon, S. Kim, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Elasticity imaging and sensing using targeted motion: from macro to nano,” Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 8(1), 3-15 (2012)
Chung E, L.M. Ricles, R.S. Stowers, S.Y. Nam, S.Y. Emelianov, and L.J. Suggs. “Multifunctional nanoscale strategies for enhancing and monitoring blood vessel regeneration,” Nano Today, 7(6):514-531 (2012)
C.L. Bayer, G.P. Luke, S.Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustics in medical diagnostics”, Acoustics Today, 8(4):15-23 (2012)
K.A. Homan, M. Souza, R. Truby, G.P. Luke, C. Green, E. Vreeland, S. Emelianov, “Silver nanoplate contrast agents for in vivo molecular photoacoustic imaging,” ACS Nano, 6(1), 641-650 (2012)
Wilson, K. Homan and S. Emelianov, “Biomedical photoacoustics beyond thermal expansion using triggered nanodroplets vaporization for contrast-enhanced imaging,” Nature Communications, 3, article number: 618, doi: 10.1038/ncomms1627 (2012)
Wang, A. Karpiouk, D. Yeager, J. Amirian, S. Litovsky, R. Smalling, and S. Emelianov, “Intravascular photoacoustic imaging of lipid in atherosclerotic plaques in the presence of luminal blood,” Optics Letters, 37(7), 1244-1246 (2012)
Wang, A. Karpiouk, D. Yeager, J. Amirian, S. Litovsky, R. Smalling, and S. Emelianov, “In vivo intravascular ultrasound-guided photoacoustic imaging of lipid in plaques using an animal model of atherosclerosis,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 38(12):2098-103 (2012)
Karpiouk, B. Wang, J. Amirian, R. Smalling, and S. Emelianov, “Feasibility of in vivo intravascular photoacoustic imaging using integrated ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging catheter,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(9), 096008, doi:10.1117/1.JBO.17.9.096008 (2012)
R.K. Manapuram, S. Aglyamov, F. M. Menodiado, M. Mashiatulla, S. Wang, S. A. Baranov, J. Li, S. Emelianov, and K.V. Larin, “Estimation of shear wave velocity in gelatin phantoms utilizing PhS-SSOCT,” Laser Physics, 22(9), 1439–1444 (2012)
Yoon, S. Aglyamov, A. Karpiouk, and S. Emelianov, “A high pulse repetition frequency ultrasound system for the ex vivo measurement of mechanical properties of crystalline lenses with laser-induced microbubble interrogated by acoustic radiation force,” Phys. Med. Biol. 57, 4871-4884 (2012)
S.Y. Nam, L.M. Ricles, L.J. Suggs, S.Y. Emelianov, “In vivo ultrasound and photoacoustic monitoring of mesenchymal stem cells labeled with gold nanotracers,” PLoS ONE 7(5): e37267. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037267 (2012)
S.Y. Nam, L.M. Ricles, L.J. Suggs, S.Y. Emelianov, “Nonlinear photoacoustic signal increase from endocytosis of gold nanoparticles,” Optics Letters, 37(22), 4708-4710 (2012)
Yeager, A. Karpiouk, B. Wang, J. Amirian, K. Sokolov, R. Smalling, and S. Emelianov, “Intravascular photoacoustic imaging of exogenously labeled atherosclerotic plaque through luminal blood,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(10), 106016, doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.10.106016 (2012)
R.K. Manapuram, S.R. Aglyamov, F.M. Menodiado, M. Mashiatulla, J. Li, S.Y. Emelianov, and K.V. Larin, “In vivo estimation of elastic wave parameters using phase-stabilized swept source optical coherence elastography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 17(10), 100501 (2012)
S.J. Yoon, A.M. Murthy, K.P. Johnston, K.V. Sokolov, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Thermal stability of biodegradable plasmonic nanoclusters in photoacoustic imaging,” Optics Express, 20(28):29479-87 (2012)
Mallidi, G. Luke and S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic imaging for cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment guidance,” Trends in Biotechnology, 29(5), 213-221 (2011)
R.K. Manapuram, S.A. Baranov, V.G.R. Manne, N. Sudheendran, M. Mashiatulla, S. Aglyamov, S. Emelianov, and K.V. Larin, “Assessment of wave propagation on surfaces of crystalline lens with phase sensitive optical coherence tomography,” Laser Phys. Lett. 8, No. 2, 164–168 (2011)
Mehrmohammadi, K.Y. Yoon, M. Qu, K.P. Johnston, S.Y. Emelianov, “Enhanced pulsed magneto-motive ultrasound imaging using superparamagnetic nanoclusters,” Nanotechnology, 22:045502 (2011)
Qu, S. Mallidi, M. Mehrmohammadi, R. Truby, K. Homan, P. Joshi, Y.-S. Chen, K. Sokolov, and S. Emelianov, “Magneto-photo-acoustic imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express, 2(2), 386–396 (2011)
Y-S. Chen, W. Frey, S. Kim, P. Kruizinga, K. Homan, and S. Emelianov, “Silica-coated gold nanorods as photoacoustic signal nanoamplifiers,” Nano Letters 11 (2), 348–354 (2011)
Mehrmohammadi, J. Oh, S. Mallidi, S.Y. Emelianov, “Pulsed magneto-motive ultrasound imaging using ultrasmall magnetic nanoprobes,” Molecular Imaging, 10(2), 102–110 (2011)
K.A. Homan, J. Chen, A. Schiano, M. Mohamed, K.A. Willets, S. Murugesan, K.J. Stevenson, and S. Emelianov, “Silver-polymer composite stars: synthesis and applications,” Advanced Functional Materials, 21(9):1673–1680 (2011) [Cover image]
L.M. Ricles, S.Y. Nam, K. Sokolov, S.Y. Emelianov, and L.J. Suggs, “Function of mesenchymal stem cells following loading of gold nanotracers,” International Journal of Nanomedicine, 6, 407-416 (2011)
Kim, S.R. Aglyamov, S. Park, M. O’Donnell and S.Y. Emelianov, “An autocorrelation-based method for improvement of sub-pixel displacement estimation in ultrasound strain imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 58(4), 838-843 (2011)
C.L. Bayer, Y.-S. Chen, S. Kim, S. Mallidi, K. Sokolov, and S. Emelianov, “Multiplex photoacoustic molecular imaging using targeted silica-coated gold nanorods”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2(7): 1828-1835 (2011)
J.L. Su, R.R. Bouchard, A.B. Karpiouk, J.D. Hazle, and S.Y. Emelianov “Photoacoustic imaging of prostate brachytherapy seeds”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2(8), 2243-2254 (2011)
Qu, M. Mehrmohammadi, and SY. Emelianov, “Detection of nanoparticle endocytosis using magneto-photoacoustic imaging,” Small, 7: 2858–2862, doi: 10.1002/smll.201100960 (2011)
Wang and S. Emelianov, “Thermal intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express, 2(11), 3072-3078 (2011)
I.M. Graf, R. Miri, R. Smalling, and S. Emelianov, “Clinical benefits of fusion of cardiac and vascular models,” Expert Opinion On Medical Diagnostics, 5(6), 501-515 (2011)
I.M. Graf, S. Kim, B. Wang, R. Smalling, S. Emelianov, “Feasibility of combining ultrasound, strain and photoacoustic imaging for vascular diagnosis,” Ultrasonics, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2011.10.005 (2011)
Mehrmohammadi, L. L. Ma, M. Qu, D. Romanoviscz, K. P. Johnston, K. V. Sokolov and S. Y. Emelianov. “Pulsed magneto-motive ultrasound imaging to detect intracellular accumulation of magnetic nanoparticles”, Nanotechnology 22, 41510 (2011)
Kim, Y.-S. Chen, G.P. Luke and S.Y. Emelianov, “In vivo three-dimensional spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging for monitoring nanoparticle delivery,” Biomedical Optics Express, 2(9), 2540-2550 (2011)
J.R. Cook, R.R. Bouchard, S.Y. Emelianov, “Tissue-mimicking phantoms for photoacoustic and ultrasonic imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express, 2(11), 3193-3206 (2011)
Yoon, S.R. Aglyamov A.B. Karpiouk, S. Kim, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Estimation of mechanical properties of viscoelastic medium using laser-induced microbubble interrogated by acoustic radiation force,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4), 2241-2248 (2011)
Y.-S. Chen, W. Frey, S. Aglyamov and S. Emelianov, “Environment-dependent generation of photoacoustic waves from plasmonic nanoparticles,” Small, doi: 10.1002/smll.201101140, 8(1), 47-52 (2011)
J.L. Su, B. Wang, K.E. Wilson, C.L. Bayer, Y-S. Chen, S. Kim, K.A. Homan, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Advances in clinical and biomedical applications of photoacoustic imaging,” Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics, 4(6), 497-510 (2010)
A.B. Karpiouk, B. Wang, S.Y. Emelianov, “Development of a catheter for combined intravascular ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 81, 014901:1-7 (2010)
Homan, J. Shah, S. Gomez, H. Gensler, A. Karpiouk, L. Brannon-Peppas, S. Emelianov, “Silver nanosystems for photoacoustic imaging and image-guided therapy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15, 021316 (2010)
Wang, J. Su, A.B. Karpiouk, K.V. Sokolov, R. Smalling, S. Emelianov, “Intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 99, 1-12 (2010) [Invited paper]
Su, A.B. Karpiouk, B. Wang, S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic imaging of clinical metal needles in tissue,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15, 021309 (2010)
Wang, J. Su, J.H. Amirian, S.H. Litovsky, R. Smalling, S. Emelianov, “Detection of lipid in atherosclerotic vessels using ultrasound-guided spectroscopic intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” Optics Express 18, 4889-4897 (2010)
Y.-S. Chen, W. Frey, S. Kim, K. Homan, P. Kruizinga, K. Sokolov, and S. Emelianov, “Enhanced thermal stability of silica-coated gold nanorods for photoacoustic imaging and image-guided therapy,” Optics Express, 18(9), 8867-8878 (2010)
Homan, S. Kim, Y.-S. Chen, B. Wang, S. Mallidi, and S. Emelianov, “Prospects of molecular photoacoustic imaging at 1064 nm wavelength,” Optics Letters, 35(15), 2663-2665 (2010)
S.J. Yoon, S. Mallidi, J.M. Tam, J.O. Tam, A. Murthy, K.P. Johnston, K.V. Sokolov, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Utility of biodegradable plasmonic nanoclusters in photoacoustic imaging,” Optics Letters, 35:3751-3753 (2010)
Emelianov, P.-C. Li, M. O’Donnell, “Photoacoustics for molecular imaging and therapy,” Physics Today, May 2009, 34-39 (2009)
Doiron, K. Homan, S. Emelianov, L. Brannon-Peppas, “Poly(Lactic-co-Glycolic) acid as a carrier for imaging contrast agents,” Pharmaceutical Research, 26(3): 674-682 (2009)
Wang, E. Yantsen, T. Larson, A.B. Karpiouk, S. Sethuraman, J.L. Su, K. Sokolov, S. Emelianov, “Plasmonic intravascular photoacoustic imaging for detection of macrophages in atherosclerotic plaques,” Nano Letters, 9(6), 2212–2217 (2009) [Cover image]
Mallidi and S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic technique to measure beam profile of pulsed laser systems,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 80, 054901 (2009)
Mallidi, T. Larson, J. Tam, P. Joshi, A. Karpiouk, K. Sokolov, S. Emelianov, “Multi-wavelength photoacoustic imaging and plasmon resonance coupling of gold nanoparticles for selective detection of cancer,” Nano Letters, 9(8):2825-31 (2009)
Su, B. Wang, S. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic imaging of coronary artery stents,” Optics Express, 17(22), 19894-19901 (2009)
A.B. Karpiouk, S.R. Aglyamov, Yu.A. Ilinskii, E.A. Zabolotskaya, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Assessment of shear modulus of tissue using acoustic radiation force acting on a spherical inhomogeneity,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 56(11), 2380-2387 (2009)
Sethuraman, J.H. Amirian, S.H. Litovsky, R. Smalling, S. Emelianov, “Spectroscopic intravascular photoacoustic imaging to differentiate atherosclerotic plaques,” Optics Express, 16(5), 3362-3367 (2008)
Sethuraman, S. Aglyamov, R. Smalling, S. Emelianov, “Remote temperature estimation in intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 34(2), 299-308 (2008)
Shah, S.R. Aglyamov, K. Sokolov, T.E. Milner, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Ultrasound imaging to monitor photothermal therapy – feasibility study,” Optics Express, vol. 16, pp. 3776-3785 (2008)
S.R. Aglyamov, A.B. Karpiouk, F. Bourgeois, A. Ben-Yakar, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Ultrasound measurements of cavitation bubble radius for femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in water,” Optics Letters, vol. 33(12), pp. 1357-1359 (2008)
Park, A.B. Karpiouk, S.R. Aglyamov, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Adaptive beamforming for photoacoustic imaging,” Optics Letters, vol. 33(12), pp. 1291-1293 (2008)
A.B. Karpiouk, S.R. Aglyamov, F. Bourgeois, A. Ben-Yakar, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Quantitative ultrasound method to detect and monitor laser-induced cavitation bubbles,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13(3), 034011 (2008)
Shah, S. Park, S. Aglyamov, T. Larson, L. Ma, K. Sokolov, K. Johnston, T. Milner, and S. Y. Emelianov, “Photoacoustic imaging and temperature measurement for photothermal cancer therapy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13(3), 034024 (2008)
Shah, S. Thompson, T.E. Milner, S.Y. Emelianov, “Ultrasound guidance and monitoring of laser-based fat removal,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 40:680–687 (2008)
A.B. Karpiouk, S.R. Aglyamov, S. Mallidi, J. Shah, W.G. Scott, J. Rubin, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Combined ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging to detect and stage deep vein thrombosis: phantom and ex vivo studies,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13(5), 054061 (2008)
Sethuraman, S. Aglyamov, J. Amirian, R. Smalling, S. Emelianov, “Intravascular photoacoustic imaging using an IVUS imaging catheter,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 54(5), 978-986 (2007)
Mallidi, T. Larson, J. Aaron, K. Sokolov, S. Emelianov, “Molecular specific optoacoustic imaging with plasmonic nanoparticles,” Optics Express, 15(11), 6583-6588 (2007)
S.R. Aglyamov, A.R. Skovoroda, H. Xie, K. Kim, J. M. Rubin, M. O’Donnell, T.W. Wakefield, D. Myers, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Model-based reconstructive elasticity imaging using ultrasound,” International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, volume 2007, article ID 35830, 11 pages (2007)
S.R. Aglyamov, A.B. Karpiouk, Yu.A. Ilinskii, E.A. Zabolotskaya, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Acoustic radiation force initiated motion of a solid sphere embedded in a viscoelastic medium: theoretical analysis and experimental verification,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(4), 1927-1936 (2007)
Park, S.R. Aglyamov, S.Y. Emelianov, “Elasticity imaging using conventional and high frame rate ultrasound imaging: Experimental study,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 54(11), 2246-2256 (2007)
Park, S.R. Aglyamov, W.G. Scott, S.Y. Emelianov, “Strain imaging using conventional and ultrafast ultrasound imaging: Numerical analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 54(5), 987-995 (2007)
Sethuraman, J.H. Amirian, S.H. Litovsky, R. Smalling, S. Emelianov, “Ex vivo characterization of atherosclerosis using intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” Optics Express, 15(25), 16657-16666 (2007)
A.F.W. van der Steen, R.A. Baldewsing, F.L. Degertekin, S. Emelianov, M.E. Frijlink, Y. Furukawa, D. Goertz, M. Karaman, P.T. Khuri-Yakub, K. Kim, F. Mastik, T. Moriya, O. Oralkan, Y. Saijo, J.A. Schaar, P.W. Serruys, S. Sethuraman, A. Tanaka, H.J. Vos, R. White, M. O’Donnell, “IVUS beyond the horizon,” EuroIntervention, 2, 132-142 (2006)
Oh, M.D. Feldman, J. Kim, C. Condit, S. Emelianov, T.E. Milner, “Detection of magnetic nanoparticles is tissue using magneto-motive ultrasound,” Nanotechnology, 17, 4183-4190 (2006)
M. Rubin, H. Xie, K. Kim, W.F. Weitzel, S.Y. Emelianov, S.R. Aglyamov, T.W. Wakefield, A.G. Urquhart, and M. O’Donnell, “Sonographic elasticity imaging of acute and chronic deep venous thrombosis in humans,” Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 25(9), 1179-1186 (2006)
Yu.A. Ilinskii, G.D. Meegan, E.A. Zabolotskaya, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Gas bubble and solid sphere motion in elastic media in response to acoustic radiation force,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117, 2338–2346 (2005)
Xie, K. Kim, S.R. Aglyamov, S.Y. Emelianov, M. O’Donnell, S.K. Wrobleski, D.D. Myers, T.W. Wakefield, J.M. Rubin, “Correspondence of ultrasound elasticity imaging to direct mechanical measurement in aging DVT in rats,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 31(10), 1351-1359 (2005)
S.Y. Emelianov, M.F. Hamilton, Yu.A. Ilinskii, and E.A. Zabolotskaya, “Nonlinear dynamics of a gas bubble in an incompressible elastic medium,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115, 581-588 (2004)
R.Q. Erkamp, A.R. Skovoroda, SY. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Measuring the nonlinear elastic properties of tissue-like phantoms,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51(4), 410-419 (2004)
W.F. Weitzel, K. Kim, J.M. Rubin, R.C. Wiggins, H. Xie, X. Chen, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Feasibility of applying ultrasound strain imaging to detect renal transplant chronic allograft nephropathy,” Kidney International, 65, 733-736 (2004)
R.Q. Erkamp, A.R. Skovoroda, SY. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Nonlinear elasticity imaging: theory and phantom study,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51(5), 532-539 (2004)
S.R. Aglyamov, A.R. Skovoroda, J.M. Rubin, M. O’Donnell, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Model-based reconstructive elasticity imaging of deep venous thrombosis,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51(5), 521-531 (2004)
Chen, M.J. Zohdy, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Lateral speckle tracking using synthetic lateral phase,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51(5), 540-550 (2004)
E.A. Barannik, S.A. Girnyk, V.V. Tovstiak, A.I. Marusenko, V.A. Volokhov, A.P. Sarvazyan, and S.Y. Emelianov, “The influence of viscosity on the shear strain remotely induced by focused ultrasound in viscoelastic media,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115, 2358-2364 (2004)
Xie, K. Kim, S.R. Aglyamov, S.Y. Emelianov, X. Chen, M. O’Donnell, W. F. Weitzel, S.K. Wrobleski, D.D. Myers, T.W. Wakefield and J.M. Rubin “Staging deep venous thrombosis using ultrasound elasticity imaging: animal model,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 30(10), 1385-96 (2004)
S.M. Milas, J.Y. Ye, T.B. Norris, L. P. Balogh, J.R. Baker, Jr., K. Hollman, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Acoustic detection of microbubble formation induced by enhanced optical breakdown of silver/dendrimer nanocomposites,” Applied Physics Letters, 82(6), 994-996 (2003)
S.M. Milas, J.Y. Ye, T. Norris, K. Hollman, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Acoustic Characterization of Microbubble Dynamics in Laser-Induced Optical Breakdown,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 50(5), 517-522 (2003)
J.M. Rubin, S.R. Aglyamov, T.W. Wakefield, M. O’Donnell, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Clinical application of sonographic elasticity imaging for aging of deep venous thrombosis: preliminary findings,” Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 22, 443–448 (2003)
K.W. Hollman, S.Y. Emelianov, J.H. Neiss, G. Jotyan, G.J.R. Spooner, T. Juhasz, R.M. Kurtz and M. O’Donnell, “Strain imaging of corneal tissue with an ultrasound elasticity microscope,” Cornea, 21(1), 68-73 (2002)
S.Y. Emelianov, X. Chen, M. O’Donnell, B. Knipp, D. Myers, T.W. Wakefield, and J.M. Rubin, “Triplex ultrasound: elasticity imaging to age deep venous thrombosis,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 28, 757-767 (2002)
C.D. Choi, A.R. Skovoroda, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “An integrated compliant balloon ultrasound catheter for intravascular strain imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 49(11), 1552-1560 (2002)
Kaluzynski, X. Chen, S.Y. Emelianov, A.R. Skovoroda, and M. O’Donnell, “Strain rate imaging using two-dimensional speckle tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 48(4), 1111-1123 (2001)
S.Y. Emelianov, M.A. Lubinski, A.R. Skovoroda, R.Q. Erkamp, S.F. Leavey, R.C. Wiggins, and M. O’Donnell, “Reconstructive ultrasound elasticity imaging for renal transplant diagnosis: kidney ex-vivo results,” Ultrasonic Imaging, 22, 178-194 (2000)
N.A. Cohn, B.-S. Kim, R.Q. Erkamp, D.J. Mooney, S.Y. Emelianov, A.R. Skovoroda, and M. O’Donnell, “High-resolution elasticity imaging for tissue engineering,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 47, 956-966 (2000)
D.D. Steele, T.L. Chenevert, A.R. Skovoroda, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Three-dimensional static displacement, stimulated echo NMR elasticity imaging,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45, 1633-1648 (2000)
M.A. Lubinski, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Speckle tracking methods for ultrasonic elasticity imaging using short time correlation,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 46, 82-96 (1999)
M.A. Lubinski, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Adaptive strain estimation using retrospective processing,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 46, 97-107 (1999)
A.R. Skovoroda, M.A. Lubinski, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Reconstructive elasticity imaging for large deformations,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 46, 523-535 (1999)
T.L. Chenevert, A.R. Skovoroda, M. O’Donnell, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Elasticity reconstructive imaging via stimulated echo MRI,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 39, 482-490 (1998)
A.R. Skovoroda, M.A. Lubinski, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Nonlinear estimation of the lateral displacement using tissue incompressibility,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 45, 491-503 (1998)
A.P. Sarvazyan, O.V. Rudenko, S.D. Swanson, J.B. Fowlkes, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Shear wave elasticity imaging: a new ultrasonic technology of medical diagnostics,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 24, 1419-1436 (1998)
R.Q. Erkamp, P. Wiggins, A.R. Skovoroda, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Measuring the elastic modulus of small tissue samples,” Ultrasonic Imaging, 20, 17-28 (1998)
N.A. Cohn, S.Y. Emelianov, M.A. Lubinski, and M. O’Donnell, “An elasticity microscope. Part I: Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 44, 1304-1319 (1997)
N.A. Cohn, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “An elasticity microscope. Part II: Experimental results,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 44, 1320-1331 (1997)
M.A. Lubinski, S.Y. Emelianov, K.R. Raghavan, A.E. Yagle, A.R. Skovoroda, and M. O’Donnell, “Lateral displacement estimation using tissue incompressibility,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 43, 247-256 (1996)
O.V. Rudenko, A.P. Sarvazyan, and S.Y. Emelianov, “Acoustic radiation force and streaming induced by focused nonlinear ultrasound in a dissipative medium,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 99, 2791-2798 (1996)
B.M. Shapo, J.R. Crowe, R. Erkamp, S.Y. Emelianov, M.J. Eberle, and M. O’Donnell, “Strain imaging of coronary arteries with intraluminal ultrasound: Experiments on an inhomogeneous phantom,” Ultrasonic Imaging, 18, 173-191 (1996)
S.Y. Emelianov, M.A. Lubinski, W.F. Weitzel, R.C. Wiggins, A.R. Skovoroda, and M. O’Donnell, “Elasticity imaging for early detection of renal pathologies,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 21(7), 871-883 (1995)
J.B. Fowlkes, S.Y. Emelianov, J.G. Pipe, A.R. Skovoroda, R.S. Adler, P.L. Carson, and A.P. Sarvazyan, “Magnetic-resonance imaging techniques for detection of elasticity variation,” Medical Physics, 22(11), 1771-1778 (1995)
A.R. Skovoroda, S.Y. Emelianov, and M. O’Donnell, “Reconstruction of tissue elasticity based on ultrasound displacement and strain images,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 42, 747-765 (1995)
O’Donnell, A.R. Skovoroda, B.M. Shapo and S.Y. Emelianov, “Internal displacement and strain imaging using ultrasonic speckle tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 41, 314-325 (1994)
A.R. Skovoroda, S.Y. Emelianov, M.A. Lubinski, A.P. Sarvazyan and M. O’Donnell, “Theoretical analysis and verification of ultrasound displacement and strain imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 41, 302-313 (1994)